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How To Handle South Carolina Heat Exhaustion

Heat Exhaustion

South Carolina summers can bring on intense heat and humidity, and it’s essential to be aware of the dangers of heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion can become severe and fatal quickly if not recognized early on, as it can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. At MD First Primary & Urgent Care, we’re here to explore how to handle South Carolina heat exhaustion to help you stay safe and healthy during the summer months. 

How To Handle South Carolina Heat Exhaustion

In South Carolina, the sun alone can be relentless for months on end, and when combined with the high humidity factors, it can be extra trouble for those who regularly work outside and spend time outdoors. That’s why it’s essential to know the symptoms of heat exhaustion and its dangerous relative, heat stroke, and learn what to do if you find yourself experiencing them. 

The best way to handle heat exhaustion is to prevent it. Here are some tips for preventing heat exhaustion. 

  • Stay Hydrated: Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water or drinks with electrolytes, to stay hydrated while outside. Avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, or sugar, as these ingredients can easily dehydrate the body. 
  • Dress Appropriately: While outside, wear loose-fitting, lightweight, breathable clothing. Wearing the right clothing outside can allow your body to cool down easier. 
  • Take Breaks: If you’re working outside in the heat, take regular breaks in shade areas or rooms with air-conditioning to help your body cool down quicker. 
  • Avoid Peak Heat Times: If you have the option, try avoiding spending time outside during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 am and 4 pm. 

However, if you can’t prevent it immediately, paying attention to any symptoms that may come around during your time outdoors is important. Some symptoms to pay attention to include: 

  • Heavy sweating
  • Faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Weak, rapid pulse
  • Headache
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Low blood pressure after standing up
  • Heat Stroke

Recognizing the symptoms early on can help you take action to cool down. When cooling down, remove any excess clothing and use a cool compress or a cold shower to lower your body temperature. During that time, rehydrate with cool fluids to replace any lost fluids. Rest during this time, and if symptoms don’t improve or worsen, seek medical attention immediately by calling your nearest urgent care center for treatment. 

Seek Medical Attention With MD First Primary & Urgent Care

At MD First Primary & Urgent Care, we understand what the South Carolina heat can do and strive to keep our patients safe and healthy. If you’re experiencing any signs of heat exhaustion or have concerns about how to stay cool during the summer months, our team is here to help. To learn more about our services, schedule an appointment today by calling (803) 283-2300. Visit our practice in Lancaster, SC, and Dr. Amrendra Kumar and Kasey Hudson will gladly help you. 

Amrendra Kumar, MD

Dr Amrendra Kumar
Since obtaining his M.D. degree from Temple University in 2006, Dr. Amrendra Kumar’s active role as a medical teacher and physician has helped patients heal and have better control over their health. After opening MDFirst Primary & Urgent Care back in 2013, Dr. Kumar established a better standard of health for those in the Lancaster, SC area.

Amrendra Kumar, MD

Dr Amrendra Kumar
Since obtaining his M.D. degree from Temple University in 2006, Dr. Amrendra Kumar’s active role as a medical teacher and physician has helped patients heal and have better control over their health. After opening MDFirst Primary & Urgent Care back in 2013, Dr. Kumar established a better standard of health for those in the Lancaster, SC area.

MD First Primary & Urgent Care

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