Every year millions of people participate in sports in their schools, athletic leagues, or just hanging out with their friends. As a result, urgent care centers and emergency rooms see thousands of people every day experiencing injuries ranging from minor to severe. The majority of the injuries resulting from sports are soft tissue injuries, such as contusions, sprains, and strains. Bursitis and tendinitis are also common results of sports activities. In many cases, these injuries can take an extended amount of time to heal, even when appropriate treatments are used.
There are two classifications of soft-tissue injury, acute, and overuse. Which classification an individual injury falls into is determined by how the injury was caused.
How severe an acute injury varies with each specific instance. The first steps that should be taken in most cases of acute injury have been codified into what is known as the RICE protocol. This acronym means Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
When a ligament gets torn or stretched, it’s known as a sprain. A ligament connects one bone to another with a band of connective tissue that is remarkably durable. Wrists, knees, and ankles are all particularly vulnerable to sprains. Falling or twisting a joint severely or rapidly can result in a sprain. There are three levels of severity in sprains:
Tendons and muscles can experience a strain. Muscles and tendons work together, with the tendons being the tissue that holds together the bones and muscles with fibrous cords. The back, leg, and feet are all common places where strains can occur. Strains come in a variety of severities, ranging from a simple stretch of the muscle to a tear that can be minor to complete, separating completely from the bone. RICE protocol works as a basic treatment approach to these injuries, with other treatments depending on the severity of the injury.
MD First Primary & Urgent Care serves the community of Lancaster, SC, with treatment services for injuries like these. If you’ve experienced a sprain or strain, give us a call at 1-803-283-2300 to see if you need to come in right away, or stop by our office at 1130 Hwy 9 Bypass W for immediate care.
Burns and skin irritations can be relatively minor concerns, or they can be severe enough to be life-threatening. This is especially true of burns, which are both some of the most painful and difficult injuries a patient can face. Most minor burns and skin irritations can be safely treated at home, though some cases may require a trip to an urgent care medical facility. Burns that cover more than 10% of your body will require transfer to a burn clinic. MD First Primary & Urgent Care can provide care for minor burns and skin irritations at its 1130 Hwy 9 Bypass W location in Lancaster, SC.
It can be difficult to determine how deep a burn wound goes, so it’s often best to see a physician or call a clinic for advice for any burn. Some guidelines to follow regarding your need to seek medical attention are:
To be clear, you don’t need to be experiencing more than one of these conditions for a trip to the doctor’s office to be necessary. Even one of these is enough to get attention immediately. If you aren’t sure, then call our office at 1-803-238-2300 to speak to our medical staff.
In general, skin irritations are not an emergent or urgent situation, depending on their cause. If you’ve had a rash and it has continued to spread, get more severe, or is accompanied by pain or fever, you want to see a physician. Skin irritations caused by exposure to chemicals are also sufficient cause for you to come into urgent care or even emergency room as these can continue to cause damage even after exposure. Skin irritations can include ulcerations, scaling, and blister formation accompanied by itching, skin bumps, or discoloration of the skin.
At MD First Primary & Urgent Care, we see patients for conditions like these every day. If you have any questions about your rash, burn, or other skin irritations, call us immediately for an appointment. You can also visit our office in Lancaster, SC, for an assessment and consultation on the next steps for treating your condition.
If you’ve been experiencing the appearance of the unsightly growths known as skin tags or warts, you may be wondering what options exist to have them removed. Warts and skin tags can develop anywhere on the body, which can be problematic if they become large or form in areas that are particularly sensitive. The team at MD First Primary & Urgent Care has been helping patients in the Lancaster, SC area remove these often unsightly and embarrassing growths quickly and painlessly and are here to help you as well.
Statistics suggest that skin tags occur in more than half the population at one point or another in their lives. Obese, middle-aged adults are the most likely to develop these tags, but it’s possible at any stage of life. Plump babies, in particular, may develop skin them. Skin tags are nothing more than a tiny bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin, often appearing balloon-like. They are most common in places where friction occurs, such as skin folds or where clothing presses against the skin, such as the waistline. Below is a list of the most common sights for skin-tags:
Warts is the name given to a form of noncancerous growth that occurs when your skin becomes infected with HPV, the Human Papillomavirus. The presence of this virus stimulates the growth of additional cells, causing thickening and hardening of the skin. While it’s possible for warts to appear anywhere on the body, they are most commonly found on the feet and hands. There are multiple types of wart that vary in both appearance and location.
These are three of the types of warts you might encounter, and that our office treats.
While the particulars of how a wart or skin tag is removed vary with each instance, the same variety of procedures are typically used for both. When it comes time to have a wart or skin tag removed, one of the following procedures will be used:
If the skin tag is located on your eyelid or near your eye, then it will be necessary to see an ophthalmologist to have it removed. Most other forms of skin tags and warts can be removed by the team at MD First Primary & Urgent Care. Make an appointment to get our help with yours by calling 1-803-283-2300 today or come see us at 1130 Hwy 9 Bypass W in Lancaster, SW.