If you’ve ever had a UTI or urinary tract infection, you’re familiar with the impossible and uncomfortable it can be. This bacterial infection causes a burning sensation when sufferers urinate while giving them a persistent need to urinate. When you feel the symptoms of this condition coming on, you may think it’s time to schedule a doctor’s appointment. However, the longer you wait, the more severe the infection. It will take longer for you to overcome it and finally get relief. Find out why a trip to Urgent Care may be the right move by learning more about UTIs.
Aside from prevention, the best thing you can do for a UTI is to get treatment as promptly as possible. Acting quickly will ensure you catch it when it can most easily be treated and limit how long you suffer with them. Visiting your local urgent care will immediately lead you to relief from UTI symptoms. After that, it’s time to follow up with your primary care team to ensure that you can prevent a recurrence in the future.
The advance in digital technology has had a profound impact on our world. How we interact with our loved ones, form friendships, do business, and even receive medical care has felt its touch. While there is reasonable caution about the potential risks of integrating our physical and virtual selves, the benefits are unquestionable. One area that demonstrates this soundly is that of medical wearable devices. These innovations have made it possible to track patient conditions more thoroughly and get better diagnostic data than ever before. This data, in turn, results in more effective care and faster outcomes for all involved.
Testing and monitoring patient health is part of the diagnostic process that requires a hospital stay. Even in cases where this wasn’t necessary, there would be inconvenient visits to the office. These visits often involved stress tests in determining if triggering a patient’s reported symptoms was possible. This was an inefficient and often ineffective method of collecting this information. It was difficult to provide a proper diagnosis without the ability to trigger the patient’s symptoms. Further, even with a diagnosis, it could be difficult to determine a proper treatment with the data provided.
Wearable Medical Devices allow this information to be collected more naturally. As patients go about their day, the device reports back to the doctor. By remotely monitoring the heart rate, blood pressure, and other biometrics, the doctor gets an image as it occurs during the patient’s day. This allows the doctor to see the flare-ups of their condition as the patient experiences them and understand the circumstances surrounding it. The result is a better ability to diagnose and prescribe treatment for the condition. Some forms of wearable medical devices include:
Some devices aren’t designed to report information back to the doctor. One example is Immunotouch. Scientists created this innovative device during the COVID-19 pandemic to remind patients not to touch their faces. The device would notify them anytime they reached for their face. This reminder helped to prevent them from contracting the COVID-19 infection.
Speak to your physician to determine what types of wearable medical devices may be appropriate for your health conditions.
Modern technology seems to know no bounds. We can watch our favorite shows from anywhere on tablets or smartphones. With a few quick taps and swipes, we can get answers to almost any question we can imagine. The instant a book is released, we can have it on our phones without even visiting the bookstore. All of this has profoundly affected our quality of life and educational options. However, not all of the impacts of modern technology have been positive. With all this connectivity comes a host of new problems, and medical science is just beginning to grasp the range of these concerns. Mental and physical health can be impacted by spending excessive time glued to a screen.
The presence of this technology in our lives has significant impacts we may not immediately notice. Its ever-present nature has shown that these seeming miracles of technology have altered the way we live, the way we exercise, and even the way we love. In all of this, there were inevitably going to be some regrettable impacts. Below are four known consequences of spending too much time in front of an electronic screen:
These factors just scratch the surface of what we’re learning about the impact of electronics on our day-to-day life.
We must address the dual nature of our new digital reality. There are impressive and far-reaching benefits to the access we have to information today. People can make friends and connect across vast distances. Online friendships can become as essential to our mental health and are just as valid as physical in-person friendships. The concept that these digital friendships aren’t as important or real as traditional friendships are outdated and incorrect. In addition to these elements, the digital world helps shrink our world. It also shows that despite our differences, we all come with the same concerns. The future of our world is indelibly going to mix digital and physical realities more as time goes on. We must take care of both these worlds and learn to live while straddling them.
There are millions of people all over the world who come down with a case of pneumonia each year. In the US alone, there are nearly 120 million cases annually. One common misconception about Pneumonia is that it is a disease in and of itself. The term describes the appearance of multiple symptoms together. This means the underlying cause of Pneumonia can vary significantly, with a common source being the flu. Keep reading to learn more about Pneumonia.
Since Pneumonia is a collection of symptoms resulting from other conditions, it comes in many forms. When Pneumonia bacterial infection causes pneumonia, antibiotics may be able to help treat it. When Pneumonia is, instead, the result of a virus, there are a limited number of treatments available. This fact is particularly concerning since Pneumonia most commonly occurs in the very old and very young. Some other facts about Pneumonia include:
Pneumonia is a persistent condition that can hang on for a long time, even when treated actively. Some patients may struggle with it for as many as eight weeks before they recover fully. Further, the hospital is a common place to contract the condition. Those who are placed on ventilators have a higher risk of developing Pneumonia than those who are not. If you want to know how to protect yourself and your family from Pneumonia, reach out to your physician for guidance.
As health problems continue to rise, urgent care remains an important source of treatment for many non-life-threatening conditions. Nearly 70% of urgent care treatment involves care for the ears, nose, and throat for those who constantly suffer from ENT problems. Most patients under these circumstances will most likely make their first visit to an urgent care facility for excessive snoring, sinus infections, dizziness, and excessive allergies. Below, we will describe some of the various treatments performed for common ENT problems and help you decide whether you should see an urgent care facility or an ENT specialist for treatment.
More often than not, people with ENT conditions are making more visits to their local urgent care than their primary physicians or ENT specialists. One of the main reasons people often see an urgent care doctor over their specialist is the time and effort it takes to get a referral to an ENT specialist, especially if their symptoms become so prominent to the point where waiting isn’t an option. In the pursuit of care, urgent care practices can treat immediate symptoms that, although not life-threatening, can severely impact one’s quality of life and present an immediate concern. So, what kinds of conditions can an urgent care facility treat? Some common ENT conditions that people see the Urgent Care for include:
The symptoms often associated with the conditions above can be a highly unpleasant experience, especially if they cannot be properly managed. What it takes to receive treatment from a specialist can be dauntingly long. Still, at an urgent care facility, patients can find immediate relief that allows them to wait for their specialist referral for an appointment. Urgent care in these circumstances can be an excellent first stop for your ENT concerns, but seeing a specialist for long-term problems such as cholesteatoma and dysphagia will need to be seen by a specialist as they can present health concerns that impact your life significantly.
ENT treatments at urgent care facilities are most often for acute cases. The symptoms come on suddenly or occur frequently enough to be treated as a one-time instance of the condition easily. However, chronic, reoccurring symptoms need to be seen by a specialist as they can properly diagnose the condition and help provide you with the treatment you need. Some common treatments found in urgent care for acute ENT conditions can include
If you are suffering from any symptoms associated with an ENT condition that present immediate but non-life-threatening circumstances to your health, make sure to visit your local urgent care facility for treatment. Through your local urgent care team, they’ll provide you with the care you need and help redirect you to a specialist if necessary.
There have been countless ongoing studies on its effectiveness since the COVID vaccine was introduced. One thing has become abundantly clear as a result. The vaccines have been proven to be effective and safe and the most important step anyone can take towards controlling the pandemic. Every newly vaccinated person counts as one less person likely to contract and spread the disease. With fewer people contracting COVID, there are also fewer opportunities for it to mutate. For nearly a year and a half, the vast majority of those being vaccinated have been adults or over the age of 12. Relatively recently, however, it has been declared safe for those aged five and over.
Many children express a general concern about seeing their medical practitioner. It’s not unusual for children to specifically be afraid of receiving an injection. Whether your child is one of those who are skittish about doctor visits or not, it can help to prepare them for their vaccination visit. There’s a lot of information out there about the shot itself, and the vaccine in particular. By preparing your child for their visit you can ensure that they know what to expect. Consider taking a few of the following steps prior to the day of their appointment:
Beyond preparing them for their vaccination, these tips set a great precedent for the future. They’ll know they can speak to you about their concerns and expect honest answers. They’ll also learn to be engaged in their health care and that they have choices when it comes to treatment. Most of all, they’ll learn not to be afraid of doctor visits in years to come.
As summer arrives, more people will be going outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and sunshine, and with the Covid-19 pandemic turning into an endemic, many are beginning to make travel plans and explore the great outdoors without much worry. However, it is also a time when insects come out of hiding, and while most insects are harmless and may leave behind minor bites, some can be devastating and even deadly. Below, we’ll give you a quick summary of what to look for when identifying bug bites and help give you some ways to identify and take action if worse comes to worst.
During the spring and summer months, insects come out of their hibernation or diapause in search of food and restore back their energy reserves for their reproductive seasons. Because of this, high amounts of activity from insects such as mosquitos, horseflies, wasps, bees, and other insects come around to do their buggy business. For us, it often results in nasty bites, annoying buzzing, and just general irritation from these creatures. However, while many of these insects are important for the environment and their ecosystems, it’s important to be aware of any bites or irritations that occur after being outside.
Most insects and bugs tend to leave bites that cause redness, swelling, some mild tenderness, and itching and can easily be treated with anti-itch creams and antibiotics. However, other insects such as wasps and bees need a little more consideration, as some can leave behind their stingers, which can continue to produce venom due to the leftover venom sack. People with allergic reactions to wasps and bees would need to pay attention to allergic reaction symptoms, including hives, breathing problems, nausea, abdominal cramps, and intense swelling.
In cases where allergic reactions happen, it’s important to call 911 and use EpiPens if you have one immediately. It’s also particularly important to look out for certain insects and arachnids out in the wild, especially if you plan on camping for long periods. These insects include:
If you’re ever experiencing rashes or severe reactions to an insect bite, call poison control immediately, and their emergency medical teams will be able to get you the treatment you need.
While it’s true that our memory can become less reliable as we age, severe memory loss isn’t inevitable. Every individual experiences gradual memory loss in a different way. Some have trouble remembering specific words; others experience momentary memory lapses, such as being unable to find their keys. However, these are generally harmless and short-lived inconveniences. Serious memory loss involves forgetting where you are, how you got there, or who the people around you are. Thankfully, the majority of memory lapses are harmless, so how do you stop them from getting worse?
There are numerous elements that can be involved with a worsening memory. The good news is some of them are treatable and even avoidable. The underlying causes in these cases can be as simple as sleep deprivation or needing more vitamin B-12. Taking certain types of medication may produce memory errors for as long as you take them. Alternatives to these medications are often available, and not every patient will experience the same memory problems. Overindulgence in alcohol or street drugs can also be a relevant factor in memory loss, with effects that are potentially reversible.
Some causes of memory loss may be permanent or difficult to recover from, such as:
Each of these can potentially result in lasting memory problems or loss. Another thing to know about our memory is that it happens in two stages. Short-term memory, which tracks the last 30 seconds, and long-term memory, which commits anything past that mark to storage. It’s possible to experience health problems that affect one or both of these types of memory. There has even been a medical case where someone completely lost their long-term memory. While they remembered everything up to the point of the responsible event, they could never commit anything to memory after that.
Thankfully, cases like these are exceedingly rare. While our short and long-term memory can both become less reliable over time, there are ways to slow this process. A good diet, plenty of sleep, and moderation in our vices are good places to start. You can also commit to taking multivitamins on a daily basis.
A three-year-long study was conducted where one set of participants was instructed to take a daily vitamin. The other set, the control set, did not take these vitamins. Over a period of three years, the results were staggering. Rather than a slight improvement in memory retention being found in those taking the multivitamin, there was an astounding 60% improvement. While more study is necessary to understand how it supports our ability to remember the past, this was an amazing breakthrough.
If you’d like to find more ways to preserve your memory for years to come, speak to your physician. They can suggest proper dietary and lifestyle changes that will help improve your overall health and your ability to remember events for years to come.
There are many things that spring to mind when someone mentions going to the ER. Did they get a burn? A sting? Have a heart attack? Did they break a bone? Were they in a car accident? These are all common things that people will head to the ER for. One form of injury we don’t often think about is those involving the ear, nose, and throat. The most common forms of ENT injury seen at the ER are nose bleeds and fractures to the orofacial area (mouth, jaw, and face). Epiglottitis and peritonsillar abscesses also occasionally make an appearance.
Any time you experience a medical emergency of any kind, a trip to the Urgent Care or ER is warranted. They’ll be able to address any immediate health concerns and stabilize you until you can see a primary care physician. While ENT emergencies aren’t common, they do need to be taken seriously. Don’t take a risk with your life; get to your Urgent Care immediately for any non-life-threatening medical emergency.
While car accidents can be quite serious, the majority of them amount to what appear to be minor fender benders. A trip to the hospital may largely seem unnecessary, even when soreness sets in the next day. No matter how inconsequential your accident may seem, it’s possible you didn’t escape unscathed. Some symptoms may be immediately apparent, while others may not appear for a day or two. It may startle you to learn that it’s possible that there are other injuries lying in wait that may not show any symptoms at all. They can persist and cause problems for years to come if not treated properly.
It’s an unfortunate truth of surviving an auto accident that you may have experienced invisible injuries that will cause you issues years down the road. These injuries may be hard to detect, taking months or even years to present with symptoms. Spinal misalignments in the back and neck may disguise themselves as sore muscles or a stiff back. Following these four tips can help you ensure that you address all the injuries you sustained during the accident, even the hidden ones.
These four tips will provide you with a solid foundation to get the care you need after an auto accident. It bears repeating that the care you receive following the accident can impact any recompense you receive from an insurance company. A full and comprehensive treatment plan should be developed to ensure that all aspects of the care needed are covered.
When it comes to surviving an auto accident, so much hinges on getting care quickly. Even if your injuries aren’t life-threatening, the full extent of them may not manifest for weeks or even months. Seek help from your PCP or Urgent Care immediately afterward!