There have been countless ongoing studies on its effectiveness since the COVID vaccine was introduced. One thing has become abundantly clear as a result. The vaccines have been proven to be effective and safe and the most important step anyone can take towards controlling the pandemic. Every newly vaccinated person counts as one less person likely to contract and spread the disease. With fewer people contracting COVID, there are also fewer opportunities for it to mutate. For nearly a year and a half, the vast majority of those being vaccinated have been adults or over the age of 12. Relatively recently, however, it has been declared safe for those aged five and over.
Many children express a general concern about seeing their medical practitioner. It’s not unusual for children to specifically be afraid of receiving an injection. Whether your child is one of those who are skittish about doctor visits or not, it can help to prepare them for their vaccination visit. There’s a lot of information out there about the shot itself, and the vaccine in particular. By preparing your child for their visit you can ensure that they know what to expect. Consider taking a few of the following steps prior to the day of their appointment:
Beyond preparing them for their vaccination, these tips set a great precedent for the future. They’ll know they can speak to you about their concerns and expect honest answers. They’ll also learn to be engaged in their health care and that they have choices when it comes to treatment. Most of all, they’ll learn not to be afraid of doctor visits in years to come.