While car accidents can be quite serious, the majority of them amount to what appear to be minor fender benders. A trip to the hospital may largely seem unnecessary, even when soreness sets in the next day. No matter how inconsequential your accident may seem, it’s possible you didn’t escape unscathed. Some symptoms may be immediately apparent, while others may not appear for a day or two. It may startle you to learn that it’s possible that there are other injuries lying in wait that may not show any symptoms at all. They can persist and cause problems for years to come if not treated properly.
Prevent Lasting Injury After An Accident With These Tips
It’s an unfortunate truth of surviving an auto accident that you may have experienced invisible injuries that will cause you issues years down the road. These injuries may be hard to detect, taking months or even years to present with symptoms. Spinal misalignments in the back and neck may disguise themselves as sore muscles or a stiff back. Following these four tips can help you ensure that you address all the injuries you sustained during the accident, even the hidden ones.
- Seek Care Immediately – Regardless of whether your accident results in you going to a hospital, you should seek medical care. Fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, and other seemingly “minor” injuries are often shrugged off by those who’ve been in an accident. Unfortunately, these can indicate injuries to the spine, soft tissues, and of course whiplash. Weeks or months can pass before the injury presents with more serious symptoms.
- See Your PCP or Urgent Care First – As soon as the next day you should get yourself into Urgent Care. Sooner, if possible. Either way, follow up with your PCP as soon as possible. This will do two things that may benefit you. First, it will ensure that your PCP is keeping eye on any developing symptoms. Second, it will create a record of care in the event that more serious symptoms develop. This can be valuable if you are seeking recompense of your medical costs from an insurance company.
- Speak Honestly With Your Provider – As you’re receiving care, be sure to be honest and thorough with your provider. You need to let them know all the symptoms you’ve experienced, the circumstances of your accident, and when the symptoms began. A thorough medical history should also be provided if they aren’t your PCP.
- Be Inquisitive – Don’t just ask questions, ask LOTS of questions. Your health and safety are of eminent concern to your medical care provider. Asking plenty of questions helps you advocate for yourself and be an involved patient. Be certain to be clear about your experiences and symptoms, and insist on their being taken seriously. An engaged patient is certain to get the care they need.
These four tips will provide you with a solid foundation to get the care you need after an auto accident. It bears repeating that the care you receive following the accident can impact any recompense you receive from an insurance company. A full and comprehensive treatment plan should be developed to ensure that all aspects of the care needed are covered.
Act Quickly To Get Appropriate Care After Auto Accidents
When it comes to surviving an auto accident, so much hinges on getting care quickly. Even if your injuries aren’t life-threatening, the full extent of them may not manifest for weeks or even months. Seek help from your PCP or Urgent Care immediately afterward!