The cycle of the seasons and the results of climate change can make dressing for the weather difficult. If you’re one of those who stow the winter wardrobe until the season changes, it can be even trickier. Checking the weather reports will give you an idea of what’s to come, but it may not be enough. This week may be summertime hot, and next fall seasons cold. On top of it all, these fluctuations can make it easier for you to become ill. We’ll provide you with steps to help you avoid getting sick, even if caught out in the wrong clothes.

Understanding Your Immune System And How To Stay Well

Let’s start by eliminating some myths. Being caught out in the cold isn’t going to make you sick instantly. Our immune system is a complex and resilient part of staying well. What happens when you get cold is that it becomes somewhat repressed. If you are blessed with a resilient immune system, then a little time in the cold isn’t going to hurt you. Getting too hot is often more dangerous in the short term. It leads to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke.

Speak To Your Primary Health Provider For More Advice

Speaking to your doctor is often the best source for advice on these topics. While they may not have anything new to suggest, they know your medical history well. This knowledge means they’ll be aware of special conditions that may require additional consideration. Suppressed immune systems are just one example. Give them a call for help today!